Wednesday, July 22, 2020

STEAM Art Sub Lessons Idea - City of the Future

STEAM  Lesson for Elementary, Middle and High School

I get ideas for art sub lessons from all sort of places.  This one came from Flickr. Fabrice Florin teaches an after school STEAM course called "Maker Art" at Tam High. While the initial lesson eventually leads to a sophisticated sculpture, the idea could be a great jumping off place for an art sub lesson. Check out his Flickr page to see more in depth ideas for this lesson. 

middle school drawing of a futuristic city

by Fabrice Florin
City of the Future: Second Class at Tam High

City of the Future Finished Sculpture

If you like the idea of your students using their imaginations to create a new environment, you might like this lesson that I wrote. It is complete with script and many images. It is also no prep. Perfect for you, subs, or parents.  Secret Rooms and Hidden Passageways