Monday, November 28, 2022
Art Worksheets for Winter
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Free Art Worksheets for Elementary and Middle School
Free Art Worksheets
Who doesn't like free stuff? Especially when you are in a pinch. A lot of the time when you need a sub, that is exactly what you are in. A pinch for time.
I found some free doodle sheets that you can download immediately. The blog, "Artful Kids" has a set of 6, ready for you to grab right now. Here's one.
They'd be great to keep in your sub tub or your files for early finishers.
If you'd like an art sub lesson that you can also download immediately and email right to your school office, here's a new one I made. "Doodle Monsters in Spring."
For $4 you get all of the directions; the script; photos; examples; rubric; and ways to end the lesson right there. Subs love these lessons and kids do too. Go here to check out this lesson and others at my TeachersPayTeachers shop: Art Sub Lessons.
If you are interested in more free art worksheets, check out this blog post: Circle Worksheets
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Art Worksheets - Winter Trees
Winter Trees Art Activity
This lesson fits nicely with the one I posted yesterday. This works well in the winter as an art sub lesson; an activity for early finishers; or as a center activity.
There is a template of a winter tree; sample patterns; directions to hang in a center; teacher directions; and examples of different ways to complete the art work.
It's only $3 and you can buy it on TPT here: Winter Trees Art Activity
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Art Worksheets for December
Early Finishers Art Worksheets for Winter, Christmas, and December
Art worksheets for early finishers are always a relief for subs and teachers alike. As hyper as kids seem to be this year, they need help occupying themselves when they are finished their work.
The shop, Centers and Early Finishers, caters to that need. Here are activities and worksheets that cater to Christmas, and winter.
These are from the TPT Shop: Centers and Early Finishers.
"Doodle a Christmas Stocking" has a stocking template; lots of sample patterns; and samples of finished artwork. These could make a nice display on a bulletin board.
"Doodle Art Nutcrackers" includes two templates of nutcrackers, one male and one female, to doodle and decorate; four examples of finished artwork; directions for students; directions for the teacher; and a sheet of sample patterns for doodling.
Draw Your Own Gingerbread House
Students may draw their own house shape or use the template house shape. There is a sheet with sample candies and treats from which the kids may get ideas, and there are multiple sheets of gingerbread house designs.
Doodle Art - Fancy Decorated Trees
It includes two templates of tree shapes to doodle and decorate; three examples of finished artwork; directions for students; directions for the teacher; and a sheet of sample patterns for doodling.
It was created so that a teacher only needs to print out the slides and hang them if they are to be used as a center activity. There is also a script with directions for if the teacher or sub is going to use this as a lesson plan.
If you would like to see a fun Christmas worksheet from another TPT shop, check out this blog post about the activity, "Ugly Christmas Sweaters."
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
2 Easy Valentine's Day Art Sub Lessons
2 Valentine Art Sub Lesson Plans
Elementary Level
Upper Elementary, Middle School or High School
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Kindergarten Art Sub Plan and Worksheets
Emergency Art Sub Plan for Kindergarten
Has this ever happened to you?
A lot of us have experienced the effects of someone else not being able to get a substitute teacher. Sometimes you inherit just a few extra kids from that class and sometimes you get the whole bunch. If you are lucky, someone tells you to expect it before they show up at the art room door. If it has never happened to you, wow, you live a charmed life!!!! It will likely happen to you at some point in time though, so best be prepared!
Mr. E, over on the blog, Art with Mr. E has written a post about just this to help you get ready for the inevitable. Click here to check it out: "50 Kindergarteners By Myself!"
If you have a coworker art teacher, please share that post with them because you might be the one who is without a sub one day and they add your classes to theirs.
More Simple (and FREE!) Ideas to Help You Prepare
If you want some simple art lesson ideas for when you are in a pinch, check out these FREE downloadables:
"Circle Drawing Game"- and - "What Can You Draw From Circles?"free downloadable worksheets
"Lines, Lines, and More Lines" - a fully formed and free art lesson for primary students
"Directed Drawing - How to Draw a Penguin" - downloadable worksheet
"Art Sub Plan - Wayne Thiebaud" - a video I created specifically for use by an art sub. This lets ME teach while you monitor all those kids!!!
"Faith Ringold - Art Sub Lesson" - another video I created for use by an art sub. Again, I'll teach the lesson so that you can monitor all those kids!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Ugly Christmas Sweater - Art Sub Lesson Plans
Ugly Christmas Sweater Art Sub Lesson
Ugly Christmas sweaters are an enigma to me. The less ugly ones are what we teachers loved back in the '80s. They were just "cute" back then. Oh well, now they are "ugly."
If you'd like for your students to do the lesson as a directed drawing, they could follow along with this YouTube video by Young Rembrandts. Teaching Kids to Draw an Ugly Christmas Sweater.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Circle Art Lessons | Art Sub Plans Worksheets
Back to School Art Worksheets and Art Sub Lessons
Circle Worksheets, Lessons, and Videos

This website shares 30 Easy Round Things to Draw. Check it out to see lots of ideas for beginning drawers.
No Prep Art Lessons for Teachers and Subs
If you are looking for fully formed, no prep art lessons that anyone can teach check out my TeachersPayTeachers Shop, Art Sub Lessons. Here are some activities that would be good for getting back in the groove of school.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Early Finishers Worksheets and Art Subs Lessons
Art Worksheets Elementary and Middle School
Each worksheet has a lightly drawn outline of a character surrounded by images of possible cartoon features. Students choose the details they want and add them to the character.
Typically, I sell these on TPT for $.99 apiece, but recently I have added them as a bundle option. In a bundle of 21, you save over $5.
The worksheets include these characters: block people, dragon, Jack O'Lanterns, bunny, reindeer, turkey, panda, trolls, elves, penguins, monster, gingerbread house, monkey, yeti, turtle, frog, claw machine, groundhog, nutcracker, leprechaun, and Little Red Riding Hood.
Click here to go see the items in my TPT store: Learning Packet for Art
Here are the individual items that are included in this bundle.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Art Activities That Students Can Do At Home
Elementary Art Sub Activities to do at Home
If you are looking for easy options for teaching art at a distance, here are some suggestions.I found this drawing prompt generator. You select a category and then a prompt appears for that. There are ads at the top but look down at the bottom to see your prompt. Get a new prompt by clicking on "refresh." You can make your own template and then insert drawing prompts for each week.

Crayola has art worksheets that you can download.

If your students have access to the web and YouTube, there are some sites that they can access easily.
The Kennedy Center
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Mr. Pstudios is an art teacher. His YouTube channel includes drawing activities for kids.
The blog, Art Room Videos, has links to lots of individual art videos that have been previewed for kids.
The Dad Lab has lots of videos. Your students may have access to lots of materials, so check out his entire channel. For those whose students may have limited supplies, here are some videos that might work for you.
Crayon Rubbing with Legos
Shadow Drawing
Draw with Your Feet
Tree Bark Rubbing
Young Rembrandts They have some directed drawings. They also have an online course that you can pay for that is off of YouTube
Mark Kistler is a long-time favorite for kids wanting to draw better. I would suggest these for upper elementary and middle school. Many of his videos are hour-long, which I suspect will not work for most kids. Finding the shorter videos, I sorted by "most popular." I saw a lot that was around ten minutes long.
The Art Project has lots of videos you might like for older kids. His drawing prompt videos are the perfect length for kids drawing at home.
In case you need some art lesson ideas to print and send home with your students for a few days, these would work great. Written as early finishers activities, they are worksheets with directions and lots of details that kids can draw from on their own.