Showing posts with label first grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first grade. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Valentine Art Sub Plan - Free Elementary Lesson

Easy Free Valentine’s Day Art Lesson

Do your “big kids” sometimes beg you to let them do a lesson that the “little kids” do? A sub day is a good opportunity to let students do an easy, no-fail lesson.

They also beg to let them do valentine cards around the holiday, so why not let them? This can be done on printer paper and using just crayons. The paper can be folded in half if they want to make a greeting card or just done on a full sheet of paper.

  • Prepare the Paper

    • Students can either fold their paper to create a greeting card or use the entire paper as a flat surface.

  • Draw the Heart

    • In the center of the paper, students should draw a heart shape. It doesn't have to be perfect.

  • Add Random Lines

    • Next, students should draw random lines that cut through the heart and travel around the paper.

  • Trace the Heart

    • Students then trace the heart shape heavily with a crayon.

  • Color Inside the Heart

    • Color the spaces inside the heart shape heavily. Students can use a particular color scheme or random colors. Each shape should be filled with a different color than the one next to it.

  • Color or Pattern Outside the Heart

    Friday, November 1, 2024

    Elementary Art Sub Plan - Desert Cactus Directed Drawing

     2 in 1 Art Sub Lesson

    In my quest to try and make a teacher's life a little easier, I created a lesson that can be taught in kindergarten through 4th grade. It is a directed drawing but with plenty of room for personal expression.

    The lesson starts out with step-by-step instructions for how to draw a patterned pot with a prickly pear cactus inside. That is for the kindergarten and first grade students. 

    After they are led through how to draw that and color in neatly, the lesson for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade begins. Those grade will add a desert landscape to their drawing. 

    By combining them all in one, your substitute teacher only has to attend to one lesson plan all day. (I subbed for a while after I retired, so I know how important it is to make the sub's life as uncomplicated as possible!!!)

    The drawing uses the most simple materials: paper, pencil, and crayon.

    It is no prep. All you have to do is print out the lesson or set it up to be projected. It can be taught either way. 

    Check it out here at my TPT shop:  Desert Cactus Creations: Patterned Pots and Scenic Backgrounds for K-4

    Monday, December 27, 2021

    Art Sub Plan for National Dress Up Your Pet Day

    National Dress Up Your Pet Day

    Ooooooh, another holiday is coming up! January 14 is "Dress Your Pet Day."

    Here's a blog post about it from National Today: Dress Up Your Pet Day

    This would be an easy idea to turn into a lesson for substitute teachers. Use a few good photos of dressed up animals and show some books with illustrations of dressed up animals. The school library is full of them!!!!

    Here's a little drawing I did of dressed up pets that you may use for your lesson, if you like, but the internet is full of photos of dressed up animals.

    Student drawing example of a dog, cat, and mouse dressed in clothes
    drawing by

    There are so many photos of dressed up animals on Flickr. If you search on Flickr, you can add to your search that you want photos using Creative Commons, which gives you permission to use the photo. You can break down that search to your more specific needs. Artists who post their photos will set them for the level of sharing they wish to give.

    Photo by Richard Masoner.

    Crayons and paper would be all you need for this one. Encourage adding details and a background.

    Wednesday, October 6, 2021

    Kindergarten Art Sub Plan on Figure Drawing

    Art Sub Lesson - People in the Style of Romero Britto

    Early in the school year I like to teach kindergarten and first grade, "how to draw a person." They learn the basic shapes you need to use, and then turn it into a self portrait.

    I have learned, though, that many times students in all grades will fall back into drawing stick people. ....Sigh..... So a review of at least giving their humans a full body shape, is never a bad thing.

    Statue of a Person by Romero Britto
    Statue by Romero Britto. Photo by Phillip Pessar

    Art Sub Lesson for Drawing a Human Figure

     When I contemplated what I would do for a new art sub lesson, I stumbled across some Romero Britto paintings of people. He used those basic shapes that primary kids learn how to draw, and that, coupled with the bright colors and simple patterns, would make a perfect lesson for an art sub to teach. As with all of my art sub plans, teachers will often use them in their regular classes.

    So, this new art sub lesson that I created teaches a basic definition of Pop Art. It shows Romero Britto's bright and happy paintings; connects the work of Picasso to Britto; and leads students on how to draw a person using simple shapes.

    Child drawing of a girl in the style of Romero Britto

    It can be printed out and handed to a substitute teacher; emailed to your school office for them to hand to the sub; projected in your classroom; or shown to your students for distance learning in a Zoom type meeting online. (Not Outschool, please.)

    Where You can Check out all the Details

    Check out the lesson preview over in my TpT shop.  Art Sub Lesson - People in the Style of Romero Britto

    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    Art Sub Lessons for Elementary - Ugly Bug Ball

    Ugly Bug Ball - Art Sub Plans

    One easy path to take with an art sub lesson is to read a book or show a video and then have students draw their own interpretation from that.

    Here is a vintage clip that I love.  "Ugly Bug Ball." It is fun to watch and uplifting.  Kids can watch and then proceed to draw their own ugly bug ball.

    Pencils, paper, crayons and you are good to go.

    TPT Art Sub Plan of Ugly Bug Ball - No Prep 

    Don't just "wing it" with a sub. Give them a real art activity with substance. I have a no prep lesson in my TPT shop that goes along with that.  It gives your sub more of a structure with a fully prepared script and lots of examples.  There are even art history references! 

    Check out the lesson plan here:  Ugly Bug Ball Lesson Plan

    Cover of an art sub plan called "Ugly Bug Ball" - children's drawing

    Thursday, September 12, 2019

    Elementary Art Sub Plans | Romero Britto

    Romero Britto Inspired Elementary Art Activity

    This lesson is from the Elements of the Artroom blog. Mrs. Stacey provides many examples from this second-grade art lesson. I believe an art sub could teach a lesson based on this. 

    Here is another 2nd or 3rd-grade art lesson about Romero Britto.  This one is at The Talking Walls blog.  There are plenty of instructions so you could easily translate this to an art sub lesson.  

    I could see this used for second through fifth grades.  

    If you would like to see a fully formed, lesson you can just email to your school office when you are out, check out this blog post:  Romero Britto Figure Lesson for K and 1

    Saturday, August 24, 2019

    How to Draw a Turkey for Thanksgiving - Kindergarten

    Turkey Directed Drawing for Thanksgiving

    kindergarten turkey directed drawing

    If you have an art sub who can lead a simple directed drawing, here's a super cute one for fall. Proud to be Primary has a lesson on her blog with complete directions.  Kindergarten kids will love it!  Of course, you might not want to leave paint with a sub.  (By the way, YOU DON"T WANT TO LEAVE  PAINT WITH A SUB!!!)  But, kids can draw this and color it with crayons and still end up with a lovely work to take away with them.

     Art Lesson Plan for Kindergarten

    If you would like an early finisher activity about turkeys, I have this worksheet at my TPT shop: Art Sub Lessons.  "Create a Turkey in Disguise." Great for elementary kids.

    If you are interested in a lesson on how to draw a simple turkey, check out this blog post: 

    How to Draw a Turkey in Disguise - Elementary Art Lesson

    This is a complete lesson plan on drawing a turkey.  There are simple directions on the basic turkey shape and then examples for how it might be in disguise. This is a fun lesson for elementary kids and can be taught by anyone. 

    You can find this lesson here in my TPT Shop:  Art Sub Lesson - Create a Turkey in Disguise

    Elementary art lesson drawing of a turkey in disguise as a bee

    Sunday, May 5, 2019

    Dog Party - Preschool and Kindergarten Art

    Preschool and Kindergarten Art Sub Plans

    child drawing of dogs in a tree

    Here is a sweet idea for preschool and kindergarten that I had not seen before.  The lesson she created is for preschool. Here's a look at what they did.

    Preschool drawing of a dog party
    She bases the lesson on Go, Dog, Go to have students create a dog party.  The idea came from Collage Mama's Itty Bitty Blog: A Big Dog Party.  

    Take a look at the illustration from the book.

    The original lesson has students using paint. Paint wouldn't be a medium you should leave for a sub unless you know the capabilities of the sub, but crayons will work nicely.  Students will love hearing the storybook read to them.  Likely, it will be a favorite.  So, let your sub read that book to your students and then have the students draw their own dog party.

    Read "Collage Mama's" blog post for more ideas on this lesson.  

    Monday, April 1, 2019

    STEAM Art Sub Lesson with Insects

    STEAM Art Sub Lesson with Insects

    This lesson was created with an art sub in mind. All of the directions have been included for their ease of use. There are multiple ways to use it. It may be printed out so that the sub may present it up close on paper or shown as a PowerPoint presentation.
    It integrates science with art in an “ugly bug ball.” Including art history rounds this out even more!

    ]cover from an art sub lesson - has a child's drawing of bugs at a party

    The lesson begins with a discussion about masterpieces featuring insects by the artists Balthasar van der Ast, Nicolaes de Bruyn and then William Heath-Robinson. The lesson then leads the students to creating an imaginary scene of insects at a party. Each slide includes questions and statements for the students to think about including in their drawing.

    I have taught this lesson to all levels, K through Fifth. My subs who have used this lesson have left feedback that they and the students thoroughly enjoyed the lesson.

    I hope that this will be a well loved lesson for you and your students and that it helps you when you are in need of a sub lesson. 

    The materials needed for this lesson are the most simple: paper, pencils and crayons or markers. Here's what another buyer had so say about that: "Great lesson to leave for a sub as everything needed was included and the prep was minimal and used things commonly found in the art room. "

    Here's a comment from a buyer:  "The kids produced wonderful drawings and images. The sub used the plans for my intermediate groups grades 3-5 and she loved working with the kids as the plans were so meticulously laid out!"

    You may find this lesson here:  TPT Shop: Art Sub Lessons

    Wednesday, March 27, 2019

    Bugs and Insects - STEAM Art Sub Plans

    Bugs and Insects - STEAM Art Sub Lessons

    Now that spring is here, people are interested in nature art lessons. Here are some related to bugs and insects.

    Here is one on TPT that was written easy enough to be taught by anyone; art teacher, sub, classroom teacher, or random person off the street.  Ugly Bug Ball

    This one is also on TPT.  It could also be taught by anyone. A multipurpose lesson, it could be used as a center activity, an early finishers activity, or an art sub lesson.  Create Insect Designs with Radial Symmetry - STEM/STEAM

    This is a coloring/doodle/patterned Monarch Butterfly activity on TPT.

    The images in this blog post are great.  As an upper elementart art sub lesson, you could do some step by steps of how to draw a simple insect and add a pattern chart.  Kids could do some beautiful drawings with crayons or markers. This is over at Laura Kelly's blog, Me and My Inklings.

    Here's another good one with lots of visuals and instructions.  Still, for a sub, you might want to add a few more step by step visuals unless you have a person who is comfortable doing simple shape drawings.  I would also keep the lesson to just crayons or markers.  It is a nice lesson.  Visit the Laugh Paint Create blog.

    KinderArt, always a good place to check out lessons, has a lesson called Bug In A Jar. It was written for middle school art, but could be adapted,  I'm sure.

    Crayola is always a good place to get ideas. Often there are plans on their site  you could use as well. This one would need more detailed directions for a sub, but you could write up some step by step ones that would work with this. Crayola

    Thursday, March 21, 2019

    Birds and Birdhouses | Kindergarten Art

    Birds and Birdhouses Kindergarten Art Sub Plans

    People are always seeking art sub plan ideas for kindergarten and first grade. Here is a project that you could easily turn into a sub lesson for both.  She has complete instructions too.  These are drawn from the most basic shapes. Kindergarteners could easily follow along. And any sub should be able to lead them. 

    Check out this lesson from Ms. L's Art Room.

    turn into art sub lesson plan....birds and birdhouses

    If you are interested in other kindergarten art sub lessons with directed drawings of birds, check out this blog post:  Kindergarten Bird Lessons

    Friday, March 1, 2019

    Kindergarten Art Sub Lessons | Imaginary Travel

    Kindergarten and First Grade Art Sub Lesson

    One good place to check when you need art sub lessons is KinderArt.

    Here's an elementary art lesson that they recommend for ages 5 - 8.  They include a short write up of a lesson with a sample art work. Your sub would probably appreciate some supplemental material such as picture books that go with the theme. It is a sweet little lesson you can leave for your sub if you have time to add a few more visuals and maybe a book to go along with it.

    Here's one of mine that has a similar theme, but there 17 pages with visuals; a script for the sub to follow; and instructions. 
    Here are a couple of comments from teachers who have used this lesson:

    "As a regular classroom teacher tasked with teaching art I love your lessons - makes me more confident that I am sharing some art insight."

    " Great lesson for subs - easy, engaging, and very relevant in the art room! My sub loved it, and the kids did too. They all wanted to finish their images the next week."

    Find my lesson is at TeachersPayTeachers shop: Art Sub Lessons.