Here is a sweet idea for preschool and kindergarten that I had not seen before. The lesson she created is for preschool. Here's a look at what they did.
The original lesson has students using paint. Paint wouldn't be a medium you should leave for a sub unless you know the capabilities of the sub, but crayons will work nicely. Students will love hearing the storybook read to them. Likely, it will be a favorite. So, let your sub read that book to your students and then have the students draw their own dog party.
Back to School - Kindergarten and Preschool Art Lesson Plan
This is easy to teach the lesson that I have taught to kindergarteners and preschoolers as a back-to-school lesson. I usually cut 12" x 18" into simple school bus shapes. After showing the students photos of many familiar and crazy-looking buses, I let them design their own. We also watched lots of videos about buses and sang "The Wheels on the Bus."
If you would like to buy a PowerPoint of this lesson all ready to be used, you can buy it here, at my Teachers Pay Teachers shop.
Here's a comment left by someone who purchased the lesson: Everything included that is needed to do this lesson which makes it so nice. I've added this to my sub-tub on a flash drive due to the completeness of the product. I really appreciate the attention to details for this product.
Here is a free art sub PowerPoint plan for you at my Teachers Pay Teachers shop: Art Sub Lessons. This lesson is one I use with kindergarten. We do lots of moving around making the shapes of lines as we look at the slides. TeachersPayTeachers requests that you make your free PowerPoints smaller than your "for pay" ones, but this is still full of good images and information for your students and subs.
Here are a couple of "easy sub lessons" from Dali's Moustache. One is a third grade lesson about Jackson Pollack's action paintings. The other is a fourth grade lesson called "crayon fireworks."
Another easy way to prepare for an art sub is to go to my shop, Art Sub Plans. I have created complete lessons in which all your sub has to do is read the slides and follow the directions. They are full of visuals and are created to be used with the most simple supplies. Pencils, paper and crayons are all your students will need to create imaginative works of art.
These are perfect for those emergency absences when you do not have the time to write detailed plans but want to leave quality plans for your subs.