Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Valentine Radial Symmetry Lesson

Valentine Radial Symmetry Lesson

Creating a design using radial symmetry can feel very satisfying. Radial symmetry is a great crossover concept for the math, art, STEAM, or general classroom.

"Cool Classroom Stuff" has created a lesson on radial symmetry that ties into Valentines Day.

Four drawing templates are provided. Three have heart designs and spacing guidelines to assist the students in starting their designs. One template has spacing guidelines only. This is in case you want the students to create the entire design themselves. There are also two slides with sample drawings.

The lesson requires a simple set up and students may use crayons, markers, pens, or colored pencils.

If you'd like to check out this lesson, visit Cool Classroom Stuff's shop at TpT. The lesson is only $3.00 right now.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Robots in Winter - Art Lesson


Robots in Winter 

Here is a fun art lesson plan that you can use as a center activity; art sub lesson; or regular art lesson. The resulting student art would be perfect for hanging on a bulletin board.

Your students use the most simple materials. Crayon, pencil, or marker.

This is an easy lesson to teach and anyone can teach it. Great for when you are in a pinch and need something in a hurry.

This lesson is over at the TPT Shop: Centers and Early Finishers. It's a complete lesson with visuals and is only $3.00.

Elementary art sub plan for robots in winter