A Treehouse for Me
As I am entering the later part of my art teaching career, I am trying to figure out how I can both continue in art education and fund my retirement. Plus, in a year or two I will probably start subbing in art classrooms and will need an arsenal of good lessons to teach. I've started putting together art sub lessons in PowerPoint as if I were going to substitute teach from them. They've taken hours of work to put together and most of them have been tested in the classroom.
I am going to be selling them cheaply so that when you need an emergency lesson plan you can buy one from here: Jan's Shop at TeachersPayTeachers A lesson that has taken me hours and hours to work on, you can download in a minute. You don't have to spend all those agonizing hours writing your own art sub lesson plans.
The lessons all use the most simple supplies: crayon or marker, pencil or pen, and paper. All your sub has to do is to read each slide.
Since my subs most likely don't feel comfortable using my technology, I have created the slides so that you can print out each slide. The sub will just bring the class close as if they were reading a book to the class, and they will show each slide that has been printed.
This particular lesson was written with third, fourth, and fifth grade students in mind.