Friday, October 21, 2016

Art Sub Plan - Faux Stained Glass

Art Sub Plan - Faux Stained Glass

As a retired art teacher who subs, I appreciate being able to teach a lesson that will keep the students engaged and that will turn out well.  That lesson needs to be able to keep the kids interested for a whole class period.  This lesson from Crayola looks as though it will fit the bill. Check it out here:  Faux Stained Glass Art Lesson Plan

Friday, September 30, 2016

Elementary Art Sub Plan - Setting Up for a Sub

Setting Up for a Sub

One of the most difficult parts about art sub planning, is trying to do it at the last minute. That is NO FUN!!!!!  When you are stressed or not feeling well is a horrible time to try and create a good experience for a substitute teacher or your students.

As someone who subbed for a while after retirement, I can tell you that those hastily put together lessons plans are HORRIBLE TO TEACH. Please do better.

Here is a post about setting up for a sub that includes a bonus.  The comments are also full of great sub lesson ideas!  This is from That Little Art Teacher. This is the way to go! Do yourself a favor and prepare well before you get in a last minute prep situation.

photo of art sub folder