Ancient Greek Vases - Art Sub Plan
This lesson was written with an art sub in mind, but it could be used by classroom teachers or art teachers as well. In an art history lesson that ties n with Ancient Greece, students are given the opportunity to design their own Grecian vase. The student will design the vase using images from their life or a favorite story. Sample designs are given so that you can display them. There is a worksheet included in the PowerPoint, which the teacher will need to print out ahead of time. There are also examples that may be printed out if the teacher wishes to have them on display during the lesson.
I have created the lesson so that all a sub will need to do is read each slide and follow the instructions. It may be projected as a PowerPoint; printed out and shown up close as the students sit nearby; or printed out and projected via a document camera.
BONUS!!!!! I have included a word search about Grecian urns. It is great for those early finishers!